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Lukely conversions

Lukely conversions

About Lukely Conversions

Lukely Conversions is based in Cowes, Isle Of Wight and is run by Sam. Initially starting as a qualified electrical engineer, Sam designed and manufactured entertainment systems for aeroplanes. However, after Covid and furlough hit he decided to explore his hobby of van/campervan conversions further - eventually becoming Lukely Conversions.


Lukely Conversions and SmartBench

Sam primarily uses his SmartBench for making campervan furniture, which has saved him "hours in cutting". This alongside his CAD experience has meant he can increase his profits and reduce his turn around time. "SmartBench has become the best investment I could make for my business", in fact that's how he refers to his machine - 'The best investment ever!'



"Without SmartBench, the hours spent would outweigh the cost involved and my profit would not be as good if I had to do everything by hand. It is definitely a god send and the space it takes up in my workshop, is next to nothing. If I had to describe it in three words as I've already mentioned multiple times it would be best investment ever!"


Insta: @lukelyconversions
Facebook: @lukelyconversions


  1. 8/16/2021 10:51:07 AM


lukely, conversions, van, conversion, campervan


Smartrouted Projects, Campervan
