How to prepare your job files for use with YetiPilot's preset profiles.
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Set the job file strategy for use with a YetiPilot preset profile
When creating a job file (for example in Vectric’s VCarve, or AutoDesk’s Fusion 360), you will be asked to specify various strategy parameters.
Feed rate
YetiPilot will move into the material initially at this rate, and quickly make adjustments from there.
If you do not have experience in which feed rate to choose, and would like to use YetiPilot to find out:
Set at 4,000 mm/min (4 m/min) for most cases. The reason for this is to give YetiPilot a full range of adjustment (see info box below). Note: you may need to reduce this if you have a particularly delicate cutter, or a very hard material.
During the cut, note the average feed rate used by YetiPilot. If making a repeat cut, you may choose to update your job file with this value, since it will give a more optimal result for the first few seconds of the cut.
If you already have experience with a job and have known good feedrate value in mind, it’s OK to enter that value when creating the job file at the start.
YetiPilot can adjust the feed rate of the job file from 10% to 200%.
Smartbench has a feed rate which is limited to 8,000 mm/min.
So setting your original job file feedrate to to 4,000 mm/min allows Yetipilot to increase up to a maximum of 8,000 mm/min (4,000 * 200%) and a minimum of 400 mm/min (4,000 * 10%).
Spindle speed (RPM)
A YetiPilot preset profile will override this value, and set it to a value pre-tested by YetiTool. But your CAD/CAM software will prompt for a value.
It is good practice to enter a ballpark sensible number (e.g. 20k) in case the job file gets used without YetiPilot, or if you decide to customise the profile in the advanced section.
Note you are allowed to adjust spindle speed (RPM) during YetiPilot operation.
Also, initial spindle speed (RPM) values are also listed in the table below.
YetiPilot recommends different step down values for different profiles. Use the table below (this information is also displayed in the profile selection dialogue on the console).
Other strategy factors
You should continue with best practice dictated by the material, but set the following parameters accordingly.
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