How to fit the dust shoe plug to the Z head.
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The dust shoe plug ensures that extraction works efficiently, and prevents swarf from building up over the job surface.
The dust shoe plug needs to be fitted into the dust shoe, located at the base of the Z head.
The dust shoe slots are located in the middle of the dust shoe.
A: Dust shoe
B: Dust shoe slots
The dust shoe plug tabs slide into these slots.
C: Dust shoe
D: Dust shoe slots
The dust shoe plug needs to be inserted into the front of the Z Head.
Insert the black tabs of the dust shoe plug (E) into the slots of the dust shoe (F).
When the plug is correctly positioned, the top and bottom of the dust shoe plug will align with the top and bottom of the dust shoe respectively.
E: Dust shoe plug tab
F: Dust shoe slots
Slide the dust shoe plug until it is completely inside the dust shoe.
G: Dust shoe plug tab
H: Dust shoe slots
The following image shows how the dust shoe and plug slot together, in an example assembly that has been taken out of the Z Head:
The correct fitting of the dust shoe plug inside the Z Head will look like this:
If the dust shoe plug has been fitted incorrectly, the front cover will overlap the bottom Z Head plate:
The fully fitted dust shoe plug will look like this:
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